R&R Doula Services

doula and breastfeeding counseling services

we exist to partner with mothers to empower them from pregnancy throughout their postpartum journey

Kara Rogers

Birth/ Postpartum Doula

Breastfeeding Counselor

About Me

My name is Kara Rogers. I am a wife and stay at home mom to two beautiful girls who are my whole world. My husband and I have the privilege of pastoring at a church in the low country area of South Carolina, and when we are not chasing our two toddlers or working at the church you can most often find us soaking up the sun at a local beach.

Motherhood is my passion and helping mothers feel supported and empowered is an absolute dream for me.

I am a certified doula and breastfeeding counselor whose goal is to partner with mothers to provide information, support, care, and companionship.

Having my two daughters Rani and Rhema ultimately birthed the idea of R&R to partner with other mothers to see them feel supported and cared for from pregnancy through their postpartum period to ensure they rest and recover.

I cannot wait to partner with you.


R&R Package: Postpartum Care

Post birth care- 3 hours hands on care

help with infant latching and birth recovery

Doula will create a meal train to send if needed

Week 1: two 1 hour house visits

Weeks 2-4: 1 house visit/ week

Text and phone calls available


R&R Plus Package:

Postpartum Care

Includes all of package 1

plus additional 5 hours of Scheduled care

through Calendly Link

Few basic household chores completed


R&R Elite:

Birth and Postpartum Care

R&R Breastfeeding Counseling

Birth Doula Care once in active labor coordinated times in contract upon meeting

three hours of postpartum care post birth

1 Weekly visit every week for four weeks postpartum

Doula can create meal train if needed

Scheduled phone calls

and texts availble


1 Hour breastfeeding counseling session

Doula helps with latching, positioning pumping, weighted feeds and bottle feeding

$50/ hour

Client's Feedback

“Kara was present as my birth doula during the labor and delivery of my second baby. She helped with different labor positions before I got my epidural, and she stayed by my side during my entire labor and delivery. She also doubled as my birth videographer which I am so thankful for :) I would definitely recommend Kara as a doula - she was an amazing help and I am so thankful she was by my side.”

Olivia n.

empowering mothers from

birth and beyond

"birth is not only about making babies. birth is about making mothers...strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength."

-Barbara Katz Rothman

p. 843-509-8067

e. randrdoulaservices@gmail.com

